Recycle the Rain

Environmental protection can begin in everyone’s backyard so why not recycle the rain and create a beautiful nature -friendly rain garden in your yard.

What is a rain garden?  A rain garden is a specially designed landscape feature the captures excess water from roofs and lawns following a rain event.

Why Install a Rain Garden? Excess water detained by the garden can slowly filter through the soil instead of being rushed away via the nearby storm drain. Taking steps to decrease the amount of excess water entering storm drains in your neighborhood and will benefit your local streams, lakes and surrounding environment. Rain gardens are beneficial because the aid in

  • Recharging ground water supplies and conservation of a natural resource
  • Prevention of poor water quality and quantity issues
  • Creates a natural habitat for birds and butterflies.

For determining and calculating the right size of your rain garden and  how to dig and plant your rain garden along with a list of native Arkansas plants to use contact the Arkansas Watershed Advisory Group or AWAG at and request their free How to Build a Rain Garden Brochure.

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